STORY # 12 THE MASTER CHRIS COLLECTION SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR DISCIPLINE # 2 ________________________________________________________________ It is now two weeks since you took over as headmistress of the special school for discipline and training north of the city. You now have fifteen students. Twelve of them are girls and the other three are boys. The ages range from sixteen to twenty-four. The past two weeks have been a delightful discovery of dominating these sex slaves. Literally all of them are in your command and each day has brought you a new adventure as you bring them deeper and deeper into the world of B&D sex. You have had more orgasms than you can count and your body seems to be in a perpetual state of excitement. Today you are wandering through the girl's rooms while they are off horseback riding. They will be taking a trek through the woods to a secluded lake where they will spend the rest of the afternoon skinny dipping. You have the place to yourself. As you walk through Lillian's room, your eye catches sight of a book tucked under her pillow. Lillian is your newest arrival. She is seventeen years old and is the horniest seventeen year old you have ever met. She is tall and blond with long, long legs. Her figure is almost boyish with small hips and small breasts topped with very long nipples. You remember her being particularly turned on by her ass when you 'interviewed' her. You pull out the book and discover it to be a diary. You flip idly through the pages stopping here and there to read an entry about the growing pains of a sexually active adolescent. The entries stretch back several years. One entry catches your eye. It is much longer than the others and goes on for several pages. The date on the entry shows it to be a couple of years old when Lil was just fifteen. You sit on the edge of the bed and begin to read. 'Dear Diary, Yesterday I experienced something that is both troubling and exciting. First of all, I think I had my FIRST orgasm! But, the circumstances are pretty strange. Lucy and I spent the day at her place. Mom let me stay over there and I stayed overnight. We spent the whole day together. We were doing all kinds of stuff like playing records and trying makeup. Lucy is definitely my best friend. Anyway, in the afternoon, we were hungry but Lucy's mom doesn't let her eat between meals so we snuck down to the kitchen to eat. We grabbed a bunch of cookies and crackers and cheese and ran back up to her bedroom where we pigged out. I guess we ate too much, because a half-hour later we were stuffed. We tried on makeup and we spent the afternoon trying on clothes. Lucy sure is pretty and she has some really neat clothes. I peeked at her when she was trying on this dress and her boobs are really big. They're much bigger than mine but I think my nipples are nicer. Anyway, before we knew it, Lucy's mom called us down to supper. We went down but we weren't hungry 'cause of all the junk we ate and we just picked at our food. Lucy's mom asked if we were O.K. and we said yes but my stomach was a little upset from all the stuff we ate earlier. Lucy's mom kept telling us to eat our food and Lucy finally said she wasn't hungry. "Did you eat before supper?", she asked. She sounded kind of mad. "Yes Mom", said Lucy in a small voice. "What did you eat.", said Lucy's mom. We told her what we ate and then I said that I didn't feel too good because I guess I ate too much. Lucy said the same. "Come with me.", said Lucy's mom and we followed her upstairs to their bathroom. Lucy looked kind of scared but I didn't know what was going to happen. The three of us went into the bathroom and Lucy's mom took something out of the cupboard. It looked like a nozzle with a big red rubber bulb at the end and I didn't know what it was for. "You girls have been naughty.", said Lucy's mom, "First we're going to clean you out and then you'll both be punished." I got a little scared then because she looked real serious. She filled a basin with warm water and then she sat down on a little chair. "You first Lucy.", she said, "Off with those clothes." Lucy's was looking at the floor but she didn't hesitate. I guess we would have gotten punished worse if we had made her say it twice. Lucy took off EVERYTHING. She was completely naked. I had never seen her with no clothes on and she was really pretty. Anyway, as soon as she was completely naked, she went over to her mom and stood in front of her. She was so scared or embarrassed that she was trembling. To tell the truth, I was trembling myself. I didn't know what would happen next. Well, then Lucy bent over her mom's knee so she was facing away from me. I looked down and Lucy spread her leg's wide apart! I couldn't believe it. I could see everything. She had a white bottom and I could see that she had more pubic hair than me. Lucy's mom took some vaseline on her finger and stuck her finger way up into Lucy's bottom. Lucy didn't say anything but I bet she was embarrassed. She went to close her legs but her mom told her to keep them open. Lucy's mom kept sliding her finger in and out until it was slippery then she took the nozzle thing and put it in the basin of water. I figured Lucy would get an enema and I was right. Lucy's mom slid the nozzle into her bottom real slow and I saw Lucy's toes curl as it went all the way in. Then her mom squeezed the red bulb and the water went into her and she let out a little moan. Lucy's mom took the nozzle out and filled it and emptied it into Lucy's bottom two more times. Then she let Lucy go to the toilet. When Lucy was finished, her mom took her out of the room still completely naked and then she came back in. "You're next.", she said, "take off all of your clothes." I was really nervous. I never had to take my clothes off in front of a stranger before and I didn't know what to do. I guess I was more scared of what would happen if I didn't do what she said so I started to take off my blouse and then my jeans. When I got down to my bra and panties, I hesitated again but then I just took them off real quick so I was completely naked. I covered up my breasts and my pussy with my hands because I was so embarrassed. "Come over here.", she said and I walked over to in front of her. "Put down your hands!" I turned beet red as I lowered my hands. My nipples had gotten really hard and when they do that they stick right out and I was mortified that someone would see them. I know that I have hardly any pussy hair like Lucy and I was humiliated that Lucy's mom could see everything. I stood there for a minute with my hands at my sides while she was filling the red enema syringe. Watching Lucy had made me excited and my pussy was hot and I think it was wet! I was scared that Lucy's mom would find out! A moment later, I was draped over her lap just like a little girl who gets a spanking. She told me to spread my legs wide apart and I did. Her finger was cold with the vaseline when she touched my bottom but it didn't hurt when she started to lubricate me. She slid her finger in and out a few times until I was slippery and then she pushed the enema syringe into me. When she squeezed the bulb, I felt the water filling me up. It wasn't uncomfortable like I thought it would be. I just felt kind of full. She gave me three full bulbs just like Lucy before I could go to the toilet. When it was finished, my stomach felt a lot better but I was scared about the punishment we were going to get. Lucy's mom took me by the hand and brought me down to the living room still completely naked! Luckily no one else was there but Lucy. Lucy was standing facing a corner with no clothes on just like me. I was brought to another corner and made to stand facing it. "Come here Lucy.", I heard. I peeked over my shoulder and saw Lucy bent over her mother's lap again and a moment later, her mom gave her a bare-bottomed spanking just like a little girl. I was breathing hard. I knew that I was going to get a spanking just like that in a minute and I was ashamed. The spanking didn't last long and when Lucy's mom told me to come over, I saw Lucy was back in her corner with her bottom red. I bent over her knee real quick so she wouldn't look at me like before and I felt one hand hold me tight at the small of my back as the other hand spanked my bare buttocks. It didn't last any longer than Lucy's but I was sure embarrassed. I had to go back into my corner with my stinging bottom afterwards. "You'll wait just like that until your father comes home.", said Lucy's mom. "He'll finish your punishment." I couldn't believe it! My face turned beet red. I bet it was redder than my bottom! It was bad enough getting spanked but to have Lucy's dad see me naked, was terrifying! We didn't have long to wait before we heard his car pull into the driveway. I looked over at Lucy and she was still facing her corner just like me. Her bottom was still pink from the spanking. My bottom didn't hurt any more but it was still warm. I heard Lucy's mom meet her husband at the door and explain to him what had happened. He came into the living room a minute later. "Well, it seems you've both been bad girls.", he said. I was trembling, I was so nervous. "Upstairs to Lucy's room, you two." We scampered upstairs to her room and I waited with my hands covering myself as best I could. Her father was right behind us. He looked right at me first. "Put your hands on your head.", he said. I was mortified but I did what he asked. I didn't know why but my pussy was as hot as my bottom and it was really wet. I guess I got turned on by being punished like that. He sat down in front of me and pulled Lucy over his lap. They were both looking at me, especially at my naked pussy without any hair and my really long nipples. Lucy got another spanking that was harder than the first and then we changed places. Lucy had to stand there with her hands over her head and showing her naked body while I got my bottom tanned. I suppose that Lucy's folks figured that the humiliation was part of the punishment but it turned me on. We were told to go to bed early after that and a little while later, we were lying in bed talking about it. I was excited but I was embarrassed to tell Lucy. She talked about it first. "Did you get turned on?", she said. I looked at her and nodded. "Me too." I had been so hot all afternoon and I was still excited now. I put my hand under my nightgown and started to rub myself. "What are you doing?", she asked. I blushed again for about the hundredth time that day. She pulled down the covers to see what I was doing. "Can I touch you?", she said. I didn't say anything but she pulled my hands away and pulled my nightgown up to my neck. She gently pulled my knees wide apart and then started to stroke my pussy. I closed my eyes and just let her do whatever she wanted to me. I was feeling excited and my hips were starting to press up when I felt this amazing sensation. I looked down and Lucy had her head between my legs and was sticking her tongue into me! I just laid back and I a second later I felt like an explosion went off inside of me. I was jerking around on the bed and panting and moaning as Lucy licked me. When it was all over, I reached over and touched her. Her pussy was a lot hairier than mine and she was really wet. I stuck my finger into her pussy and she started grinding her pussy into my hand. I kept sticking one finger into her and with the other hand, I started rubbing where her little button was. Soon she was moaning and panting and then she had an orgasm too. It was the best. We just lay there after that and went to sleep in each other's arms totally exhausted.' You close the diary and put it back under the pillow. You are incredibly turned on. Your hand has been playing in your panties for the last couple of minutes as you have been reading this erotic tale. You slide one finger and then two into your soaking pussy. Your hand rubs faster and faster as you plan to re-enact Lillian and Lucy's ordeal later tonight. 'What will she look like with an enema nozzle lodged in her pretty behind?', you wonder as you bring yourself to a mind-shattering orgasm. STORY # 14 THE MASTER CHRIS COLLECTION SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR DISCIPLINE # 4 ________________________________________________________________ It is late afternoon and you are just about complete with your day at the school. You are the headmistress of a very special school for young people who are being initiated into the joys of B&D sex. It is probably the most enjoyable job you have ever had. The last order of business for the day is dealing with one of your instructors. Margie is a petite, shy woman who has been one of the special 'Trainers' that have worked for you for the past couple of weeks. You have noticed that the way she has been interacting with the students has been detached. In particular, she has not been forward with either the girls or boys about sex and has carried out her duties like an automaton. It is time, you think, to change all that. One of your duties as headmistress is to make sure that even the instructors are turned on all the time. You certainly are. You have been thinking about what to do with her all day and the thought of it has your pussy slippery with your own juices. You call Margie into your office. She walks in and stands in front of your desk. You look her up and down. She is wearing what has become almost a uniform for your female personnel, a light, white skirt, a short sleeved silk blouse and white pumps. Her face is flushed and she is so nervous that she is trembling. She has been told that she is to be disciplined today and you are sure that she is wondering what form that discipline will take. You let her wait a little longer before you speak. "Hello Margie", you say, "Do you know why you are here?". Margie's keeps her head down as her voice becomes like a ten year old girl, "Yes. I'm here because I've been bad. I haven't been sexy enough." "That's right Margie.", you say, "And do you know what we are going to do to you?" Margie shakes her head slowly. "We are going to make sure that you like your body.", you say, "When was the last time you had an orgasm?" Margie looks up at you hesitantly. Her face is a deep red. She is evidently embarrassed at the question. You are now sure that she is simply embarrassed about sex. "About ten days ago.", she says. You smile at her. "Please remove all of your clothes immediately.", you tell her. Her face becomes even more flushed and you can see her hands shaking as she begins undoing the buttons to her blouse. It is soon removed to reveal two beautiful breasts. Margie is a petite woman and her breasts are not large but they are very firm and are topped with wide, pink nipples. 'Someone is going to enjoy licking and biting those nipples today', you think. Her skirt follows and you see that despite your standing instructions, her pussy is not shaved. It is, instead covered a blond furry patch of hair. A moment later she is standing again, now completely naked. "Please place your hands above your head.", you say. Margie does so. Her breasts are now stretched against her body and her nipples have begun to get hard, sticking out from her firm mounds. You get up and begin walking around her. Her ass is perfect. It is round and firm and you run your hand across it carressingly. Margie gasps at this first touch. As you walk in front of her, still standing with her hands clasped on top of her head, your hand moves to her breasts. You gently stroke the left one, your fingertips barely touch the now turgid nipple which sticks out from her body about a half-inch. It rises a little further into your hand and Margie closes her eyes as she enjoys the sensations. You grasp the right nipple gently between your fingers. As you look closely into her face, you slowly begin squeezing it harder and harder looking to see her expression. Her breathing gets harder and harder until she is gasping. You let go of her nipple and look to see it dark pink and hard like a little penis sticking out from her right breast. "How do you like your nipples pinched Margie?", you ask her, "Do you like it gentle or hard?". Margie's voice is almost a whisper as you hear her say, "I like it very hard." You smile. You sit back down at your desk and ring for Andrew. Andrew walks in immediately. He is a huge black man standing easily 6'2". He looks like he should be playing football but he is, in fact, one of the best masseurs you have ever met. Margie is mortified by his presence. She goes to cover herself up with her hands. "Put your hands back up on your head young lady!", you say. Reluctantly, she does so. Andrew smiles as his eyes seem to eat the young blond up. "Andrew, I say, "please take care of Margie. Her pussy is to be shaved and I want you to give her a thorough massage." "Yes Miss.", says Andrew. Margie is led over to the massage table in the corner of the room and lies down on her back. Andrew fastens leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles and quickly and efficiently restrains her to the table so that her hands are stretched to the top and her legs are wide apart. "She is already wet Miss.", says Andrew. You look down and see that it is true. Margie's own juices have soaked her long pink pussy lips and the hair that covers them. Margie is humiliated beyond belief. She turns her head to the side in shame. 'Your treatment seems to be working', you think to yourself. Andrew quickly cuts most of her pubic hair away with a pair of scissors and then gently lays a towel soaked in hot water on her pussy. Margie gasps as the heat soaks into the already warm area. When that towel becomes cool, Andrew replaces it with another. Within a couple of minutes, Margie's hips are squirming slightly on the table. Andrew removes the towel and begins shaving her pussy with a razor. Margie cannot help squirming as his large black hands manipulate the sensitive area. She gasps quietly as he pulls first one then the other lip tight to allow him to shave everywhere. Soon it is done. Her prominent mound is beautiful. It frames her long, pink inner lips perfectly. They are now hot and dark from the manipulations they have received. Andrew releases her legs from their restraints and turns her over on the table. His fills his huge hands with oil and begins rubbing her back in long full strokes. His hands move down from her neck and up from her feet until she is covered in warm oil. Margie has been moaning contentedly with the sensation of this massage and is now thoroughly relaxed. Andrew slowly and sensuously rubs oil into her white buttocks, clearly defined by her bikini tan line. His hands delve deeper into the cleavage between her cheeks and his strong fingers soon find her puckered hole. She gasps and her head raises up as Andrew penetrates her bottom with one long oiled finger. The hot oil has its effect, however, and soon his finger is sliding in and out of her ass in long, full strokes. She doesn't resist as his hands gently spread her legs. Standing behind her as you are you can see her pussy perfectly framed from behind. Andrew's hands move lower and soon he is oiling her large pussy lips from behind. Andrew rolls her over and begins massaging her breasts. Margie is openly moaning now. You can see that her eyes are closed and her body continues to wriggle on the table as she feels herself being touched by this large, virile man. He pulls her sensitive nipples over and over again with his slippery fingers and she arches her back to get them closer to him. His hands move over her belly and down to where she now wants them to be. "Please let me come.", she says. Andrew looks at you and you shake your head. He now starts a kind of teasing. He rubs her pussy lips and occasionally slides a slippery finger across her clitoris. It feels to Margie like her clitoris is on fire. She pulls at the straps around her wrists trying to get free. Her clitoris is now covered in a mixture of her own juices an oil and whenever Andrew touches it, it is like rolling a marble around in a pool of oil. Margie's hips buck upwards in an effort to get the relief she craves but whenever she gets close, Andrew stops. The action is almost too much for you. Your hands have been playing with your own pussy and nipples since the beginning and you have had about 3 orgasms so far. You hand Andrew a thin vibrator and he gently inserts it into Margie's bottom. She lets out a little cry and begs you to turn it on. You take your own vibrator and begin sliding it in and out of your own soaking pussy. Andrew now removes his own clothes and gets up on the table. His cock is huge but in the state Margie is in, you are sure it is just what she wants. His cock pauses at the entrance of her white shaved pussy, just touching the lips. Margie is pleading with him to push it in. He slides the large knob of the head into her, parting her long, pink lips to the side with it. Margie gasps at the feeling and closes her eyes. Andrew looks over at you for the final ok to give her the relief she is begging for. You reach down under them and turn on the vibrator now lodged firmly in her bottom and tell Andrew to go ahead. He starts pumping into her for all she's worth and Margie screams in pleasure. She begins coming almost immediately in an orgasm that will last for a couple of minutes. The contrast of his ebony black cock sliding into her pristine white pussy is too much for you. You pump your own vibrator into your pussy for your fourth mind-blowing orgasm of the day. Andrew comes a moment later and soon you have all calmed down and are sitting on the floor of the office having a drink. You are all exhausted. Margie is still covered in oil and is leaning against the wall. She looks right at you, no longer concerned about her nakedness, "Thank you.", she says, "I had no idea that it could be this good. I think I'm going to like the rest of my stay here and I want you to know that you can 'discipline' me anytime." You all laugh as your mind turns to what adventures tomorrow might bring.